Below are the prompts that will be available once the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) application re-opens. Please return to the homepage to view important dates and other application information.
Student Section
- Project Title
- Personal Information
- Student First Name
- Student Last Name
- Gender (Note: Providing your gender is voluntary, and that information will not be used in a discriminatory manner. This question complies with the U.S. Department of Education's standards for gender data collection.)
- Male
- Female
- Non-binary
- Student Identification Number
- 7 digit number located on your U card
- Contact Information
- Address line 1
- Address line 2
- City
- State
- Zip Code
- Country
- Cell Phone
- Home Phone
- College Information
- Campus
- N/A
- Crookston
- Duluth
- Morris
- Rochester
- Twin Cities
- Major
- Class Year
- Freshman
- Sophomore
- Junior
- Senior
- Senior 5th year
- Expected Graduation Term
- Earned Credits
- Degree Sought (For example: B.A., B.F.A, B.S.)
- Campus
- Project Information
- Faculty Mentor First Name
- Faculty Mentor Last Name
- Faculty Mentor Email
- Your faculty mentor's email without their campus extension; for example [email protected] (for [email protected]).
- Faculty Mentor x500
- Your Faculty Mentor's x500; for example gopher007 (for [email protected])
- Faculty Mentor Department
- Expenses
- Department Accountant Name
- Department Accountant Email
- Department Budget ID (Ask your mentor for the 5 Digit Department Budget ID Number)
- Requested Stipend
- Requested Expenses
- Total Requested
- Itemized Expense Description (Please itemize your requested expenses including their purpose in your project. For a list of items UROP does not fund, please go here
- Experience
- Have you done previous research at the University of Minnesota?
- No
- Yes
- Directed Research
- Summer REU
- Other (please name)
- Have you done previous research at the University of Minnesota?
- Project Details
- Collaboration with Faculty Mentor (What is your specific plan for how you will interact with your Faculty Mentor [for example, regular face-to-face meetings, email, group meetings, etc.]?)
- Project Timeline (Your UROP project should encompass approximately 120 hours of work. Please provide an estimation of how you will spend that time. What are the major components of your project and approximately how much time will each take? [For example, data collection, data review, lab experiments, interviews.])
- References (Please list references [literature citations] relevant to your proposed research or creative activity. You need to demonstrate that you are aware of related research in your area. These should also be included and cited in your proposal.)
- Special Features
- Does your proposed project use non-human animals of any kind?
- No
- Yes
- Has your project been approved by the IACUC? If so, list the protocol number and approval date.
- Does your proposed project use human subjects (including interviews, observation, questionnaires etc.)?
- No
- Yes
- Has your project been approved by the IRB? If so, list the protocol number and approval date.
- Does your proposed project use recombinant DNA, biological toxins or infectious agents?
- No
- Yes
- Does your proposed project use ionizing radiation?
- No
- Yes
- Does your proposed project include research or travel outside the United States?
- No
- Yes
- Will you be registered for a directed research/directed study class at the same time as your UROP
- project?
- No
- Yes
- Project Start date
- Project End date
- Upload Proposal File (256 MB limit. Allowed types: txt doc docx pdf.)
- Does your proposed project use non-human animals of any kind?
Faculty Mentor Section (to be completed by Faculty Mentor)
- Contact Information
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone
- Campus/College Affiliation
- N/A
- Crookston
- Duluth
- Morris
- Rochester
- Twin Cities
- Student Name
- Recommendation
- Provide additional comments on the student and project (required).
- Rate (1-5) the usefulness of the proposed research or creative activity in advancing/enhancing the student’s academic achievement.
- Rate (1-5) the broader impacts of the student’s proposed research or creative activity.
- Rate (1-5) the intellectual merit of the student’s proposed research or creative activity.
- Rate (1-5) the likelihood of the student’s successful completion of the proposed research or creative activity.